A Sublime Mercy, Part IV: The Question

Part Four: Read Part 1,Part 2, Part 3 first. How does it feel, lying there in your own blood, kicking and struggling, hearing God simply say, “Live!”  Does it seem inviting?  Impossible?  Does it even sound fair? If it doesn’t, then you haven’t heard it in your heart...

A living Bible

Christians claim that scripture is in fact “God breathed,” “flawless,” and “the word of God… living and active.” AMEN. So when we’re reading scripture, we’re automatically hearing God’s voice. Right?Wrong.Get...

Eddie Murphy and the prophetic

God just finished speaking to me through “Imagine That,” Eddie Murphy’s newest (and predictable) kid flick. The plot was telecast from moment one. The stereotypes were all there, waving madly and jumping up and down so we would be sure not to miss...


Man, yesterday’s epiphany felt good. I mean, the air was crisp, I was hearing God clearly, filled with joy…And then I decided to play an online video game. I love e’m. I love the excitement, the outlet, the mindlessness of it all when I’ve...