The battle you need to be fighting

Professing Christians, During this season of online-only church, you’re fighting a critically important battle.  It’s not against Covid-19, sketchy personal hygiene, or questionable social policies. No, the forces of hell are trying to slowly and subtle squeeze you...

Who is the AntiChrist?

A few days ago while driving my daughter Glory back from a soccer game, shooting the breeze like fathers and daughters do, she asked a pretty wild question: “Dad, who is the antiChrist?” Traditionally, the antiChrist is seen as an end-times figure, the...

The day the world changed

Today is the twelfth anniversary of September 11, the day the twin towers fell to brazen terrorism. In the slack-jawed days that followed I remember hearing what seemed to be a nearsighted, arrogant claim: “The world just changed.” Sigh. Here go the...